Monday, June 17, 2019

The following Monday

Well the rally is over and it was an enjoyable time. There were friends there that I've known for several years (notice I didn't say old friends) and new ones. The new rally attendees said they had a good time so that's always nice. The weather couldn't have been better, no rain and temperatures in the 70-80 F. Plans are being made to meet up again next year when the rally will be in Great Falls, MT.

Steve and I headed towards Iowa to visit our parents and thought we would split the 675 miles up into 2 days but the weather was very pleasant and the miles slipped by easily so we ended up doing it in 1 day. We arrived at a reasonable time of 9:30. I'll be here for the better part of the week and then start the trek back home.

Thursday, June 13, 2019


Arrived at the rally site at 11:30. Several folks were here already as some of them arrived yesterday. I got my tent setup and changed into shorts. We found the beer tent later in the afternoon and after some food we ended up back at the K1600 tent for varied conversation. Bed time came after 10:00. The rally officially starts Thursday with vendors and seminars in full swing.

Tuesday, June 11, 2019


Another cool day of riding making it to Memphis by 5:00. Two other K1600 riders, going to the rally, were at the motel before me. We went out and had some Memphis BBQ then back to the motel for a beer and some motorcycle talk. We should arrive at the rally grounds in Lebanon, TN by noon tomorrow.

Monday, June 10, 2019


I awoke at 3:30 am feeling rested so I got up and was on the road by 4:00. It was a cool ride with temps at 41 F in Flagstaff and the low 60s the rest of the day. I arrived in Elk City, OK at 7:30 their time (835 miles). I received a text towards the end of the day from Visa asking if I made some large purchases in Odessa, TX. Of course I hadn't so they shut that card down. I have a MC back up and cash so I'm still in the game. I had them send my new card to my parents and I'll pick that up when I see them nex week. Another not so early morning tomorrow but only a 590 mile day.

Sunday, June 9, 2019

On the Road Again

I leave in the morning for the BMW MOA rally in Lebanon, TN. The plan is to ride to Elk City, OK Monday then Memphis on Tuesday and reach the fairgrounds early Wednesday. I will be riding alone the first 2 days and then meeting a couple Arizona riders in Memphis for the last days ride.

After the rally I'll ride up to Cedar Falls, IA to spend time with my folks and friends. I'll post pictures as something worthwhile occurs. Thanks for following along.