Thursday, April 22, 2021

First long ride in 2021

 So it's that time of year again, the first long distance ride. Early, early Sunday morning I'll be hitting the open road heading to a gathering of BMW K1600 motorcyclists in North Carolina. We will be staying at the Iron Horse Motorcycle Lodge near the famous section of highway known as The Tail of The Dragon. As of today there are 33 bike owners signed up to be there along with many spouses. This is the 5th year for this gathering so it's well organized and a lot of fun. There will be daily guided tours of the surrounding area rain or shine. I've met many of the folks, who will be attending, at other get togethers so after last years bust for rides it will be nice to catch up.

After this event I will ride to Iowa to spend some time with my Mom and Dad then down to brother Steve's in Kansas City and finally back home. I'll be gone for about 2 weeks.

I'll try and post some pictures and write ups during this ride so keep watching.