Jerry and Rick are in Medicine Lodge, KS visiting Jerry's brother Bob. I guess they had rain and hail getting there and then spent some time in a basement waiting out tornado warnings.
Norm made it back to Silverthorne, CO after riding through rain and snow (yikes)
Kevin had a few hours of rain getting home.
Haven't heard how Greg's return trip went but he left a day early to avoid rain so I'm thinking it went OK.
Frank and I hit rain the first day of our return trip then on the second some hellacious cross winds from Gallup, NM to Flagstaff, AZ. I then rode through heavy rain for about 30 miles before the weather let up and I got home dry. Frank had a few sprinkles on his way from Flagstaff to Phoenix.
Steve was another story, I guess he had a grueling 4 hour ride in dry weather.
We all had a good time in Arkansas with some fantastic rides on "steep and crooked roads" The weather while there was very nice but the not so for the rides in and out of the state but hey that's motorcycling isn't it.
Until the next trip thanks for following along.
PS: I rode 5,708 miles