Monday, August 11, 2014

Heading for the barn

I had a real nice visit with Bonnie and Jeff. Their son Charlie, his wife Jamie and their daughter Maddy came up from Denver for the evening and we had a nice visit. Sunday morning goodbyes were said and I was on the road by 7:00 am.under blue skies and crisp temperatures. Riding through Colorado to get home sure beats my other trips where I ended up traveling on I-40 across the Great Plains. I stopped for gas in Flagstaff and up rolled my neighbor Duane who had been watching my movement on the SPOT page and decided to catch me part way home and ride the last few miles with me. I thought that was a nice way to welcome me back.

After 13 hours and 675 miles I parked in my garage and was met by Janet with smiles and a big hug. Now I have to get back into the grind of daily retirement projects at home, at least until the next trip.

The total miles for the trip was 6,745 and I was gone 25 days.
Thanks for following along.

Bonnie and Jeff in front of their new home in the mountains outside of Bailey, Colorado

Not much snow this time of year but give it a month.

Lizard Head pass again going the other way.

The last border crossing

OK now to start planning the next trip, shhh don't tell Janet

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Going home

Frank got Kim to the airport for her flight back to Phoenix and he, Bruce and I headed towards home. We rode South so they could check Nebraska off their states ridden list and then turned for Colorado. We rode through bumper to bumper traffic in Denver and then up into the mountains. I turned off near Bailey and spent the night and today with my cousin Bonnie and her husband Jeff. We're catching up on old times and she is showing me how to use Frank and Bruce continued on to Montrose for the night. I'll head home in the morning.

Frank riding solo.

Thursday, August 7, 2014

The last day of riding in the Black Hills

Today was our last day of riding here. Tomorrow Kim flies back to Phoenix and Frank, Bruce and I start the trek home. The day started out bright and sunny although we ended up riding in and out of rain during the day. Breakfast was had in the small community of Nemo where the volunteer fire department put on a breakfast fund raiser. These breakfasts are good, inexpensive and the money goes to good causes.

Bruce decided to go off on his own and crossed into Montana so he could cross that state off his list. Frank, Kim and I rode to Hot Springs, SD today which is a place we hadn't been to on previous trips. It was a nice leisurely ride down and back again riding in and out of rain. It's mostly sunny right now back in camp where we are cleaning up and getting ready for a bus ride into Sturgis for one last night of revelry. We will be breaking camp early tomorrow and at the end of the day us guys will be well into Colorado.

Keep scrolling down to see posts from earlier in the week.

Beautiful morning

Breakfast with a hundred new friends.

Devils Tower

Wednesday we went to Hulett, WY where they block off the center of town and have a one day rally that pulls thousands from Sturgis. Devils Tower National Mounument is only a few miles away so we took in that sight as well. We finished off the day at downtown Sturgis people and motorcycle watching.

Hulett, WY

A look the other direction

A different street in Hulett

Devils Tower

Downtown Sturgis, Frank and Kim in front

Bruce bringing up the rear

Where the buffalo roam.....

Tuesday we went to Custer State park and a large herd of buffalo, pronghorn antelope and deer. Of course the roads were nice to ride and the scenery to look at. It rained off and on all day and that evening it rained about 2" but we were visiting friends in Blackhawk while that was going on. It stopped raining for our return ride to the campground.

Foggy morning

Bison in Custer State Park

Back through the Needles section of the highway

Monday, August 4, 2014

Mt. Rushmore and more

The day started out with a nice breakfast at a local American Legion Post. Then we went to see Mt. Rushmore and the Crazy Horse monument that is still under construction. We rode about 150 miles in the Black Hills that also took us to Custer City and Hillside. The finishing touch to the day's ride was to Dinosaur  Park up on a peak in Rapid City. 

A nice breakfast was served here.

Avenue of flags

Mt. Rushmore

Bruce, Jim, Kim, Frank

Crazy Horse monument

Lots of bikes in the parking lot

A spot along Needles Highway just before a one way tunnel

Eye of the needle

Bikes waiting to get through a one way tunnel

It wasn't as easy to get up here as it was 52 years ago

Still kids at heart.

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Loud pipes saving lives

We all made it to Sturgis in fine order me, Bruce, Frank and Kim. Steve opted to continue on towards home. All the tents are set up and now it's time for a little rest.

To see more pictures and read more narration of the Sturgis trip click on the button to the right for Frank and Kim's blog

Another state line crossed

Steve waving so long

Kim and Frank setting up their tent

Bruce setting up his tent

Home sweet home for a week