Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Top O' The Rockies / MOA / Sturgis rallies

I'm heading out on my next road trip in the early hours of Thursday July 17th. This one will take me first to Paonia, Colorado and a BMW rally. Then on to Kansas City to pick up my brother Steve and we will head to St. Paul, Minnesota for the big BMW MOA International Rally. Our other brother Kevin and friends are planning on meeting us there. Afterwards we will push on up into Canada and head West until we get near Glacier National Park. After riding the Going to the Sun Highway in Glacier we will swing South and then East to Red Lodge, Montana. From there we will ride the Beartooth Pass on the Montana, Wyoming border and Chief Joseph Highway in Wyoming ending in Cody. From Cody, Wyoming I will continue East ending up in Sturgis, South Dakota where I will meet friends from Phoenix, Arizona and join the throng of loud pipes saving lives for a week. After that "experience" we will head for the barn but not until I spend a day or so with a cousin of mine in Bailey, Colorado.

This route is subject to change per our whims. You can click on the SPOT button on the right to see my actual route.

Stay tuned for pictures.